1. Examples of affine semigroup rings (Japanese), Proceeding of 6th and 7th seminar on Commutative Algebra (Hachioji 1992/Nakatsugawa 1993).
2. On the type of local rings, Proceedings of the 14th symposium on Commutative Algebra (Tokyo 1992), 201--206.
3. A spectral sequence with associated to a surjective-Buchsbaum module, Proceeding of 6th and 7th seminar on Commutative Algebra (Hachioji 1992/Nakatsugawa 1993).
4. A relationship between modules of finite projective dimension and modules of finite injective dimension, Proceedings of the 15th symposium on Commutative Algebra (Kashikojima 1993), 68--74
5. The structure theorem of maximal surjective-Buchsbaum modules, Proceedings of 8th and 9th seminar on Commutative Algebra (Nagano 1994/ Hachioji 1995).
6. On the type of local rings, In: Commutative Algebra, International Conference, Vechta, 1994, (W. Bruns, J. Herzog, M. Hochster, U. Vetter eds.), Vechter Universit\"atsschriften (1994) 120--121.
7. Local cohomology modules of maximal surjective-Buchsbaum modules, Proceedings of the 16th symposium on Commutative Algebra (Ohmi-Hachiman 1994), 96--110.
8. A Cohen-Macaulay complete local ring of finite surjective-Buchsbaum representation type is a regular local ring, Proceedings of 8th and 9th seminar on Commutative Algebra (Nagano 1994/ Hachioji 1995).
9. Cohen-Macaulayfication of local rings (Japanese), Proceedings of the 17th symposium on Commutative Algebra (Yasu-ura 1995), 49--53
10. On Macaulayfication of local rings---in the case of dim non-CM A \leq 2, Surikaisekikenkyujo Kokyuroku 964 (1996), 40-50.
11. On Macaulayfication and Arithmetic Macaulayfication, Proceedings of 42nd symposium on Algebra (Niigata 1997), 191--197.
11. On Macaulayfication of Noetherian schemes, Proceedings of the 19th symposium on Commutative Algebra (Hachioji 1997), 1-8
12. Arithmetic Macaulayfication of local rings (Japanese), Proceedings of the 11th seminar on Commutative Algebra, (Kyoto 1998), 92--103.
13. On arithmetic Macaulayfication of Noetherian rings, Proceedings of the 21st symposium on Commutative Algebra, (Hachioji 1999), 88--92.
14. Finiteness of Cousin cohomologies, Proceedings of the 25th symposium on Commutative Algebra, (Hachioji, 2003).
15. Finiteness of Cousin cohomology II, Proceedings of the 16th seminar on Commutative Algebra, (Tokyo 2004), 105--107.
16. Local cohomology of hte canonical module, Proceedings of the 26th symposium on Commutative Algebra, (Kurashiki, 2004), 108--114.
17. u.s.d-sequences and weak standard sequences (Japanese), Proceedings of the 17th seminar on Commutative Algebra, (Kyoto 2005), 1--13.
18. On Faltings' annihilator theorem Proceedings of the 27th symposium on Commutative Algebra, (Toyama, 2005), 26--30.
19. On Faltings' annihilator theorem (Japanese), Proceedings of the 18th seminar on Commutative Algebra, (Sapporo 2006), 14--20.